
Sra. HELENA MAJÓ - Treballarà a la United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), que té a l'agenda els temes:

1. The Issue of a New Legally-Binding Climate Agreement 2015 - Setting up Targets, Actions and Commitments

2. Measures to Counteract the Flooding of Whole Islands or Coastal States Caused by Rising Sea-Levels



Sra. GEMMA DYSON - Treballarà a la International Court of Justice (ICJ), que té a l'agenda els temes:

1. Motion from the Republics of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua to Close the Prison Camp Guantanamo on Cuba

2. Mitigating the Water Conflict in Central Asia: Uzbekistan versus Kirghizia

Sra. ANNA PITARCH - Treballarà a la World Health Organization (WHO), que té a l'agenda els temes:

1. Measures to Reduce the Risk of Pathogenic Organism Transmission from Animals Through Food

2. The Role of Family Planning Regarding Poverty Reduction, Paying Special Attention to Health Care and the Status of Women

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